Expungement In Texas

Expungement In Texas

What is an expungement? What are Expunctions? What does it mean to clear or erase or expunge your criminal record in Texas?

Unfortunately, good people are arrested and charged with serious crimes, whether they be a misdemeanor or a felony. These cases weigh heavily on the defendant’s family, occupation, and life. Hopefully, an experienced criminal defense attorney can get the case or cases dismissed.

After a case has been dismissed, it is not over. When clients want to clear their name or erase their criminal record, I am frequently asked what is next. People want to put this nightmare behind them, and there is a clear answer – an expunction. An expunction can help clear or erase a person’s criminal record. This can help with an employer does a background search.

Unfortunately, my clients could be charged with serious crimes, whether misdemeanor or felony. These charges come unexpectedly, and my clients are faced with several hardships. Some clients lose their job, spouse, home, and other punishments that go along with a criminal charge – whether misdemeanor or felony.

When you are charged with a crime, whether a misdemeanor or a felony, it seems like the end of the world, your work, friends, and family have questioned you about the case. However, if you have an experienced criminal defense attorney, hopefully, they can get the case dismissed. Once a case is dismissed, most clients are elated; however, just because a case is dismissed does not mean the nightmare is over. This criminal charge can follow you.

If an employer, school official, or anyone else doing a background check searches your name, the criminal case you were accused of will show up. This criminal case will show up even if the case was dismissed.

While the case will show up as dismissed, the goal of an experienced criminal defense attorney should be to make the case not show up on any background searches. An expunction will help erase and destroy any records associated with your arrest and prosecution.

It is important to realize that an expunction is a state action and can only be filed through the state, not the federal government.

How to Find the Best Texas Expunction Lawyer Near You

If you were convicted of criminal charges and seeking to expunge your criminal record in Texas, Ty Brock understands how important it is to clear your record. Questions? Contact the Tyler Brock Law Firm without delay.

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