Sex Crimes Defense

Sex Crimes Defense

If you have been accused of a sex crime, it is important to take the accusation seriously and seek legal assistance right away. A sex crime conviction can result in imprisonment, life-long registration as a sex offender, and other serious penalties.

An experienced criminal defense attorney helps you understand the accusation against you and build a strong defense. If you are facing a sex crime charge, contact an attorney immediately.

What Is a Sex Crime?

A sex crime is any offense that involves sexual conduct or activity. Sex crimes can be classified as either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the severity of the offense.

Examples of sex crimes include:

  • Rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Child pornography possession and/or distribution
  • Soliciting prostitution
  • Online Solicitation

What to Do If You Are Accused of a Sex Crime

If you have been accused of a sex crime you must take the accusation seriously and seek legal assistance right away.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand the accusation against you and build a strong defense. If you are facing a sex crime charge, contact an attorney immediately.

There are several potential defenses you can use if accused of a sex crime. For example:

  • Lack of evidence: In many cases, the only evidence of a sex crime is the word of the alleged victim. Many refer to these cases as “he said, she said” situations because it is the victim’s word against the word of the perpetrator only. There is no physical evidence or eyewitnesses to corroborate the victim’s story. This makes it difficult for the prosecution to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • Mistaken identity: If the alleged victim misidentified you as the perpetrator, you may have a valid defense. This is often the case when the victim knows the accused person but incorrectly identifies them as the attacker.
  • Consent: In some cases, the alleged victim may have consented to the sexual activity. This is typically only relevant in cases of rape or sexual assault, and it can be difficult to prove. This is especially true when alcohol or other substances were involved.
  • False accusations: Unfortunately, false accusations of sex crimes are common. There may be many reasons why someone falsely accuses another person of a sex crime, such as revenge, attention-seeking, or mental illness.

If you are accused of a sex crime, it is important to know that there are potential defenses available to you. You and your criminal defense attorney will evaluate the facts of your case and determine which defenses apply in your situation.

What Are the Penalties for a Sex Crime Conviction?

A sex crime conviction can result in imprisonment, registration as a sex offender, and other serious penalties. The specific penalties will depend on the nature of the offense and the jurisdiction in which you are convicted. A sex crime conviction can also have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life.

If you are facing a sex crime charge, you must contact a criminal defense attorney who can help you understand the accusation against you and build a strong defense.

Tyler Brock can help.

Ty has experience working with crimes committed on school campuses – a common place for sex crime accusations. He’s also worked with victims of false accusations and misunderstandings that led to accusations of a crime.

To learn more or to schedule a consultation to discuss your case, contact Tyler.

Contact Tyler Brock Law Firm

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