Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer Case Blog

This blog contains information about Texas criminal defense law cases handled by attorney Tyler Brock.
Past results and testimonials are not a guarantee of a similar outcome.

Violent crime gun on grey background

Defense of Charge: Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon Harris County, Texas. Case Result: No Billed, Case Dismissed My client was charged with shooting at a former employee during a heated argument in their office. Texas law states that Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon is a criminal offense when the defendant intentionally, knowingly, or […]

Defense of Charge: Assault Family Member – Impeding Breath Case Result: Successfully argued and “No Billed” by the court My client was charged with Assault Family Member – Impeding Breath. Texas Penal Code Section 22.01(b)(2)(B) contains the enhancement for assault family violence by choking or impeding breathing. It increases the punishment of an assault family […]

Defense of Charge: Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon Case Result: No Bill Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon in Texas My client was charged with Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon. This is a first-degree felony, which is punishable by 5-99 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. This case resulted in a No […]

image of shoplifting man sneaking item into jacket

Defense of charge: Theft “Class B Misdemeanor” ($100 < $750), Result: Case Dismissed in 6 Days! If you are charged with theft in Texas (or shoplifting), you need an experienced criminal defense attorney that handles theft cases in Harris County, Texas. Theft crimes in Texas can range from a class C misdemeanor to a serious […]

Scales of justice smoky background concept

Assault Family Member- Impeding Breath, Felony Case Result: Dismissed If you are charged with Assault Family Member- Impeding Breath, Texas Penal Code § 22.01 covers assault impeding breathing or circulation. A person commits assault impeding breathing when they commit assault family violence by intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the […]

Social security ID theft unlocked concept

Defense of charge: Fraudulent ID, Montgomery County TX Result: Case Dismissed My client was accused of possessing and using fraudulent identification for financial benefits. Possession of fraudulent identification can present several problems, especially when you are in one of the most conservative counties in Texas. This case presented even more challenges because there were immigration […]

Handcuffs and Gavel

Murder Result: Dismissed This was a cold case murder from 1995 that garnered national media attention. My client was a good person who had started a career when out of nowhere, he was accused of murder. This allegation of murder was made several years after the alleged incident. He was charged close to 20 years […]

Scales of justice smoky background concept

Interfering with an Emergency Call & Assault-Family Member Result: Dismissed These cases were exceptionally tough because of my client’s extensive criminal history. He had several felony convictions that included alcohol and violence. Usually, when prosecutors see that your client has an extensive record, the case is more difficult to get dismissed or resolved favorably. Initially, […]

Police lights flashing, gavel, handcuffs

Defense of charge: Robbery Result: Case Dismissed My client was accused of unlawfully, while in the course of committing theft of property owned by the complainant, and with intent to obtain and maintain control of the property, intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to the complainant. Robbery is considered a serious crime and is […]

handcuffs cloesup

Defense of charge: Assault of a family member, impeding breath Result: No Billed Texas Penal Code Section 22.01(b)(2)(B) contains the enhancement for assault family violence by choking or impeding breathing. It increases the punishment of an assault family violence charge from a Class A Misdemeanor to a Third-Degree Felony Assault Family Member- Impeding Breath is […]

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